Own hair transplantation – advantages, disadvantages and possibilities

Advantages and disadvantages of own hair transplantation

The crown of the head is getting thinner, the receding hairline is getting bigger and the bald spots on the head are spreading – Hair loss is a real burden for many sufferers. Especially in the case of hereditary-hormonal hair loss, one is usually powerless and the only treatment option that remains is hair transplantation. In the following we look at Advantages and disadvantages of hair transplantation a little more precisely.

How does a hair transplantation and own hair transplantation work?

In the case of a hair transplant or. hair transplantation will healthy hair roots of the patient are removed and reinserted in a bald or thinly haired area. Since the hair roots come from the patient himself, this method is called hair transplantation.

A hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure, which is not medically necessary, but in many cases of hereditary hair loss it is the psychological suffering caused by hair loss is so great, that this intervention is more than justified.

With the help of a hair transplant, receding hairlines can be filled in, the hairline can be moved forward and hair loss can be counteracted.

What in general speaks for and against an own hair transplantation, Which points have to be considered and which risks are to be expected, we will try to clarify in the following.

Advantages of hair transplantation

In addition to the disadvantages, there are, of course, a number of advantages, for example, the fact that an own hair transplantation only effective method is to counteract hereditary-hormonal hair loss. In addition bald patches after an accident or a burn to be replenished.

If the procedure is performed by a certified clinic abroad, you can save quite a bit of costs. In the meantime, hair transplantation has established itself in Turkey and is performed by specialists.

With experienced doctors the procedure is almost no risk and complications are to be expected only in rare cases. The scalp is well supplied with blood, which is why the risk of infection by germs or bacteria is very low is.

The hairs are usually taken from the crown of the hair, the so-called “safe zone, where there is enough hair of one’s own. In addition, the transplanted hair no longer from and can also hair can be taken from other parts of the body, however, the different hair structure must be taken into account.

Today there are several methods of hair transplantation that promise very good results. Above all two techniques have especially established: the FUT method and the FUE method. Both procedures have different advantages and disadvantages.

Disadvantages and risks of hair transplantation

The first thing to realize is that an own hair transplantation is not cheap and in Germany with a large baldness up to 15.can cost up to 000 euros. In addition, it may happen that not all transplanted hairs grow.

Hair transplantation does not give you more hair, because no new hairs are added, but the existing hair is only redistributed on the head and the gaps are not always invisible.

In a few cases complications can occur such as bleeding, severe swelling or tissue trauma (shock loss) in the removal area, causing hair loss around the wound.

The transplanted hair no longer falls out, which can become a problem in old age when all the hair around the transplanted area has fallen out. Then also scars can appear again.

The FUT method (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

The FUT method is also called the strip technique. With this technique the doctor cuts a whole strip of skin with hair growing on it from the scalp of the patient. The removal site is then closed with sutures or staples, and the hair follicles are extracted from the house strip and implanted in the bald areas.

Advantages of the FUT method
  • There can be many hairs removed at once and be transplanted.
  • The head does not need to be shaved before the procedure and the patient can return to social life more quickly after the operation.
  • The hair follicles are not damaged during the removal, which is why the growth rate of transplanted hairs is very high is.
  • It is a high density of the transplanted hair possible.
Disadvantages of the FUT method
  • The extraction of the skin strip results in a larger wound and therefore a scar.
  • The scars can be eventually can be visible in a short hairstyle.
  • The healing process can be painful and take some time.
  • Due to the slightly larger wound Risk of inflammation is higher.
  • There can be can lead to tissue trauma (shock loss) in the harvesting area.

The FUE method (Follicuar Unit Extraction)

Nowadays, the FUE method is often preferred to the FUT method, because it is much gentler on the skin. In the FUE method, the doctor individually removes so-called follicular units, each of which consists of one to five hairs with their roots. These hair follicles are then implanted in another place.

Advantages of the FUE method
  • During the removal only small Wounds that do not need stitches.
  • The wounds heal by themselves and do not leave scars.
  • The Risk of tissue trauma is low.
  • An experienced surgical team can transplant between 500 and 1000 grafts in one procedure.
Disadvantages of the FUE method
  • Before the operation must the entire hair crown area is shaved to 1 mm become.
  • The FUE method is very time-consuming: A procedure can take several hours and it may be necessary to perform several surgeries.
  • There is risk of hair follicles being cut off during removal and therefore the growth rate is affected.
  • The FUE method is a bit more costly when the FUT method.

In summary, it can be said that a hair transplantation, according to the current state of medicine, is a very effective procedure, a relatively low-risk procedure represents, with which good results can be achieved.

Those who have the procedure performed by specialists abroad can also save quite a bit on costs. Hair transplantation is a real alternative, especially for those with a high level of psychological suffering.

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