Acupuncture in Germany – Successfully established and used

Acupuncture in Germany

When you go to the doctor in Germany, you don’t expect to leave the practice cured. But often the cure or alleviation of symptoms is not even the subject of the consultation.

People have long since become accustomed to accepting that the friendly man in the weißThe patient receives a prescription and an invoice in a gown.

However, no one seriously expects that the exact causes of the disease will be explained to him, let alone alleviated at once.

However, classical medicine originally saw itself as a healing art until it became a science in modern times, which gave it the status of infallibility.

In our western world, which is characterized by the belief in progress, economics and science, acupuncture belonged to the realm of charlatans and quacks until the last century and was fought against by the prevailing orthodox medicine in Germany.

But since about 10 years a fundamental change can be observed in acupuncture in Germany: The "Shamans" have disappeared, the opposing voices have become quieter.

The financial situation of the medical practices leads to a reorientation of the owners, since the sinecures of our health care system are no longer sufficient for them.

Unlike their esoteric "Image" In Germany, acupuncture as we know it is a real alternative that has become particularly popular in pain therapy.

This method has been known for three millennia.

At about the same time, Lao Tzu founded Taoism, the doctrine of inner lawßThe nature of acupuncture.

The Tao creates the polar tension between the complementary forces of Yin and Yang.

From this field of tension all things arise – also the life energy Qi. According to this view, Tao and Qi are the starting point of all life processes.

When you are healthy, you flowßt the life energy in harmony, the functions of the organs are strong and undisturbed.

According to the Chinese conception, diseases are caused by a disturbance in the flow of the life energy Qi.

Either there is a weakness or an abundance of the life forces. Blockages in the life energy flow can also cause pain or other health disorders and diseases.

needling of acupuncture points has a proven harmonizing effect, fullness is dampened, weakness is stimulated and blockages are released, so that an undisturbed harmonious flow ofßen is being promoted.

During the acupuncture session various changes occur in the body.

These trigger different sensations and feelings: The insertion of the acupuncture needles leads to a brief puncture sensation, which is usually felt bright and superficial.

After needling the acupuncture points, one often feels a sensation of pressure at the puncture points, which the Chinese call the “tension field” "Qi feeling" is called.

Sometimes there is also a feeling of slight electrification.

With Confucius, a kind of enlightenment began in China: thinking broke away from the cult of shamans and the belief in demons.

With the turning away from the belief in nature and the turning to the independently acting and caring human being began the "Golden age" China’s.

At this time acupuncture became part of Chinese medicine.

Instead of magical powers and demons, physiological functions and malfunctions are now explained with the help of Qi.

The flow of vital energy in the body can be influenced by acupuncture, among other things.

In the basic "Book of the Yellow Emperor on internal medicine" are found already 475 v. Chr. first precise instructions on acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, tongue and pulse diagnosis and medical diagnosis in general.

Until the 19. Since the 19th century, traditional Chinese medicine and the art of acupuncture have continued to develop.

After the British in the so-called "Opium wars" After the conquest of the Middle Kingdom in the mid-nineteenth century, China and soon all of East Asia were exposed to Western influences that threatened to uproot them culturally.

In 1929, traditional Chinese medicine was even banned by the political leadership of the country.

It was not until the 1960s, under Mao Tse Tung, that a period of recollection of one’s own culture set in. It also gave a new impetus to traditional Chinese medicine and made it more popularß Even new forms of acupuncture such as ear, skull or hand acupuncture emerged.

Electro-acupuncture and acupuncture anesthesia also date back to that time.

The triumph of acupuncture in Europe

At this time, the triumphal procession of acupuncture slowly began in Europe. More and more specialists dealt with the Far Eastern healing alternative.

For only for a comparatively short time has this exoticßAcupuncture has also received the recognition it deserves from the scientific community and the public.

Continuously, acupuncture developed in Europe more and more into a recognized complementary or complementary treatment. Alternative of the orthodox medicine.

Their fields of application have become much more numerous in the last decades.

Acupuncture therapy is successfully used for chronic pain such as migraine and joint complaints, psychosomatic diseases such as neurodermatitis, as an aid in smoking cessation, asthma, allergies, chronic gastrointestinal complaints or weight reduction.

Acupuncture in Germany, long since routine in pain clinics

In many pain clinics, acupuncture is now a recognized routine method.

It is estimated that proportionally there are almost twice as many acupuncture therapists in Germany as in China.

And this, although acupuncture in Europe only in the 20. It was recognized as a healing method in the nineteenth century, after it had been used in the nineteenth century. century had completely fallen into oblivion.

It was known from the descriptions of Marco Polo in the 14th century. Century, but was applied the "exotic type of treatment" only in the English high nobility in the 18. Century.

Only after the end of the Second World War was acupuncture discovered in Germany and in the Western world as a useful therapy for diseases – at the Fourth International Congress of Acupuncture in Paris in 1950, it moved through international press reports in the public interest.

In the years that followed, numerous societies were founded dedicated to the study and dissemination of acupuncture.

Another turning point was President Nixon’s visit to China in 1972, which brought not only the political situation but also the country’s highly developed sciences to the attention of the world.

Television reports of surgeries in which anesthesiologists worked with acupuncture needles left behindßThe medicines made a lasting impression all over the world.

Acupuncture has long been established in Germany. It is successfully used by many therapists, alternative practitioners and physicians, and is fully accepted as an effective method in professional circles.

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